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Welcome to the ITU Academy 
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) gateway for capacity development. 

Upcoming courses

Our catalogue offers a large selection of online, face-to-face and blended courses.

Our work - Projects and activities

Our work

The ITU Academy is the main online gateway to the capacity development activities of the ITU, the United Nations agency for digital technologies. It brings together under one umbrella a wide range of training activities and knowledge resources in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital development. The primary objective of the ITU Academy is to harmonize and integrate all ITU capacity development products and services.

Training Centers - Projects and activities

ITU Academy Training Centres

ITU Academy Training Centres are internationally recognized institutions offering high-quality training to ICT professionals, with a focus on the needs of developing countries. ATCs are the core capacity development partners of the ITU, delivering high-quality courses addressing the most important training topics identified by ITU’s membership, including on topics such as policy and regulation, network infrastructure, spectrum management, cybersecurity, digital inclusion, and digital services.

Digital Transformation Centres - Projects and activities

Digital Transformation Centres

The Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) initiatives supports countries to strengthen digital capacities of citizens, particularly in the underserved communities. DTCs are part of a global network of institutions to accelerate the uptake of digital technologies among citizens and boost the capacity of entrepreneurs and MSMEs to succeed in the digital economy.

Other projects and activities

Other projects and activities

On the ITU Academy you can also explore other capacity development project and activities of the ITU, such as curriculum development, global events, as well as research and publications.

Our partners

ITU works with a wide range of partners to develop and deliver its capacity development activities. These include the ITU Academy Training Centres, the Digital Transformation Centers, public and private training institutions, universities and industry partners, as well as development agencies.

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