ITU’s new flagship programme to develop the capacity of ICT professionals across the globe

In 2023, one of ITU’s key training delivery mechanisms, the Centres of Excellence programme was replaced by the ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs) programme, following the outcomes of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) 2022 where the ITU membership adopted the revised Resolution 73.
The ITU Academy Training Centres programme takes the ITU's capacity development work forward into the future. It directly contributes to building knowledge and skills among professionals in the ICT field thus enabling them to contribute to, and fully participate, in the digital transformation.
Programme overview
ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs) are internationally recognized institutions offering high-quality training to intermediate and senior personnel, with a focus on the needs of developing countries. ATCs are the core capacity development partners of the ITU, delivering high-quality courses addressing the most important training topics identified by ITU’s membership, including on topics such as policy and regulation, network infrastructure, spectrum management, cybersecurity, digital inclusion, and digital services.
The courses are conducted online through ITU's e-learning platform, the ITU Academy. Hybrid and face-to-face courses are also offered. Registration is available online through the ITU Academy platform.
14 centres were selected initially to begin working in 2023. Learn more about each centre here.
How to become an ITU ATC?

Applications to be considered as an ATC closed on 25 November 2022. Further opportunities to join the programme will be announced on a regular basis.
More details on the application process can be found on the How to join the ITU ATC programme webpage.
More information on the operational modalities of the programme is included in the draft document “Operational Guidelines, November 2022”.