DTC News features stories and news relating to the ITU Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative, including news on specific activities and digital skills trainings conducted by the DTCs, as well as news from partners and other stakeholders. If you are interested in keeping up-to-date with the DTC News, we invite you to visit this page regularly and check the issued newsletters featured further below on this page.

DTCs are invited to submit stories on their digital skills training and related activities to dtc@itu.int

Documentary: Boosting Digital Skills through Digital Transformation Centres in Ghana

Bridge the Digital Divide Sierra Leone becomes part of the DTC network and community


In April 2024, the DTC Initiative welcomed the latest addition to the DTC community, bringing the total number of centres in the network to 14. Bridge the Digital Divide – Sierra Leone (BDDSL) is an NGO based in Freetown, Sierra Leone, whose primary mandate is to contribute to spreading the benefits of digital technology in Sierra Leone by providing free-of-charge equipment, digital tools, and digital skills training programmes at national and local level. In particular, BDDSL is responsible for deploying the ST Foundation (a partner of the DTC Initiative) Digital Unify (DU) programme in the country and has been actively implementing digital skills training through its 45 operational DU labs across the country. In addition to its capacity development interventions, BDDSL continues to establish, equip, and connect local training centres with the support of ST Foundation and local stakeholders. Since its inception in 2009, the NGO has trained over 265,000 Sierra Leoneans in digital skills.

DTC-DRC launches its Digital Ambassadors’ Programme with a national train-the-trainer activity

In December 2023, the « Secrétariat National pour le Renforcement des Capacités » (SENAREC), the DTC in the Democratic Republic of Congo, officially launched its Digital Ambassadors’ programme under the name of “Congolais Ambassadeurs du Digital” (CONADIG). As the national capacity development hub in DRC, and strongly endorsed by the Ministry of Planning, SENAREC recognizes the need to train young digital ambassadors who will become key actors in raising awareness on the importance of digital tools sharing knowledge and cascading training interventions at the community level. In particular, the DTC intends to leverage the CONADIG platform as the main implementation channel of the DTC Initiative to scale basic and intermediate digital skills training nationwide.

With the support of ITU and Norad, as part the ITU Project “Boosting Digital Skills through Digital Transformation Centres”, SENAREC kick-started the implementation of CONADIG with a series of train-the-trainer activities nationwide. Through this training, over 70 trainers will be trained and certified across SENAREC’s network of Centres of Excellence and equipped with the skills and tools necessary to deliver courses from the Cisco Networking Academy and Skills for All platforms, as well as courses from the HP-LIFE curriculum. These activities represent the first step of SENAREC in building a network of local, motivated, and committed instructors and facilitators capable of providing training to rural and urban populations, and will cascade digital knowledge and skills within their respective communities. As of April 2024, the first phase of the programme was concluded in the Kinshasa province, and will be extended to Bukavu, Mbuji Mayi and Lubumbashi until July 2024.


DTC-Dominican Republic continues to build institutional capacity to deliver DTCI content

From 22 January to 2 February 2024, the DTC in the Dominican Republic “Centros Technologicos Comunitarios” (CTC) conducted a train-the-trainer activity on the Cisco and HP-LIFE programmes. The training was supported by ITU and Norad through the ITU Project “Boosting Digital Skills through Digital Transformation Centres”: It aimed to strengthen the capacities of CTC instructors in delivering quality basic digital skills for underserved and rural communities and ensuring an effective pedagogical approach. In total, 50 facilitators (25 female) were selected by CTC area supervisors across the country, on the basis that they have the capacity and bandwidth to scale and cascade the knowledge and skills acquired, as well as the motivation to empower themselves and their communities. The training was delivered in a hybrid modality combining classroom and self-paced learning (70-30 ratio) and provided an opportunity for participants to focus on acquiring the skills to use digital tools and teaching techniques, as well as learn about best practices to deliver Cisco and HP-LIFE courses such as “Introduction to Data Science” and “Entrepreneurship”.

Following this training, DTC – Dominican Republic will establish virtual support platforms and online learning communities to enable facilitators to maintain contact and share their experiences and resources. Refresher sessions and networking opportunities will also be organised on a regular basis to keep facilitators up to date with the latest trends, advancements and changes in the Cisco and HP LIFE platforms. Ensuring effective monitoring and evaluation will also be crucial for CTC to measure progress and seek continued feedback as they train citizens in the communities.


Digital skills for the visually impaired in Ghana: From training instructors to training citizens

In an effort to expand the outreach of the “Introduction to Computer Basics for the Visually Impaired” (ICBVI) training programme nationwide, the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) conducted a second train-the-trainer activity for 49 Community ICT Center (CIC) managers in Kyebi, in January 2024. The training was held in partnership with Tech Era, a local Ghanaian non-profit organization that is skilled in providing digital skills training to persons with disabilities. It comes as a follow-up to the first training of trainers held in Accra in November 2023 with the support of ITU and Norad, which served as a kick-off for the implementation of the ICBVI programme in Ghana.

Under the ITU DTC Project, DTC-Ghana conducted a citizens training to cascade the programme across the country from 18 March to 9 April 2024. More than 474 (221 female) visually impaired individuals (aged 12 to 45) from communities were selected from the 13 regions where GIFEC’s CICs are based and benefited from an intensive three-week programme to learn about computer fundamentals and assistive technologies. Additionally, the training focused on empowering participants to use digital tools to perform various daily tasks independently and communicate effectively through e-mail, instant messaging, and social media platforms. An additional 120 visually impaired citizens will be trained in June as part of the final cohort of beneficiaries.


Safer Internet Day for the DTC Initiative – An ITU and Cisco Campaign

SID 2024

Safer Internet Day takes place on 6 February and is dedicated to promoting the responsible and safe use of online technology, especially among young people and underserved communities. It aims to raise awareness of risks online and encourages individuals to contribute to creating a better and safer internet for all. 

To engage the DTC Initiative community in this global effort, ITU and Cisco have launched a campaign in which the DTCs can participate to increase awareness and skills relating to cybersecurity and empower everyone to be safe online.

The self-paced course “Introduction to cybersecurity” was made available on the Cisco Skills for All platform for each DTC. The course will be shared with DTC trainers, trainees, and those who fall within the DTCI target groups to encourage them to enhance their knowledge and skills on cybersecurity.

The course will be available from 6 February using the Safer Internet Day as a launch for the course, until 29 February.

"Introduction to cybersecurity" can be accessed through the DTC-country landing pages below:

Concept NGO joins the DTC network as DTC-Senegal


In November 2023, Concept, an NGO based in Senegal, became the latest centre to join the DTC Initiative and community, bringing the total number of DTC countries to 14. ITU and Concept signed a cooperation agreement focusing on capacity development activities under the DTC Initiative. As part of its mandate to bridge the digital divide and empower underserved communities, Concept has been delivering basic and intermediate digital skills training in Senegal. The NGO is closely collaborating with ST Foundation (also a partner of the DTC Initiative) to implement its Digital Unify (DU) programme across the country. In addition to capacity development, Concept works to establish, equip, and connect local training centres, with the support of local stakeholders. For more information, please visit Concept’s website

DTC-Ghana concludes a three-week train-the-trainer programme on computer basics for the visually impaired


From 13 to 24 November 2023, the Ghana Investment Funds for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) conducted its first train-the-trainer programme on the “Introduction to Computer Basics for Visually Impaired” (ICBVI), with the support of ITU and ST Foundation, a partner of the DTC Initiative. A cooperation agreement was recently signed between the two organizations to extend the course offerings under the DTCI by incorporating ST Foundation’s training content and materials on digital skills, including the ICBVI course. This programme was designed as a first-step course to bring the digital world closer to persons with visual impairment and was developed considering different training delivery approaches, scenarios, and modalities.

In Ghana, the training was conducted at the University of Ghana Assistive Technology Laboratory and brought together 20 (five female) trainers – 10 visually impaired and 10 sighted to provide training on how to ensure quality learning outcomes for persons with visual impairments and to strengthen the project’s engagement and service delivery to persons with disabilities. The ToT employed a creative approach to ensure sighted trainers experienced the training as their visually impaired counterparts. As part of GIFEC's commitment to improve training delivery for persons with disabilities, another ToT on ICBVI will take place in 2024 to expand the number of trainers who can effectively deliver this course. In early 2024, GIFEC will also be organizing an ICBVI training to reach 50 visually impaired persons.

DTC-Cote d'Ivoire enhances the digital skills of its Young Digital Ambassadors through a train-the-trainer programme

With the support of ITU and Cisco, l’Ecole Multinationale Supérieure des Postes (EMSP) d’Abidjan organised a train-the-trainer programme on basic and intermediate digital skills as part of its Young Digital Ambassadors initiative (Jeunes Ambassadeurs du Numérique – JEAN). The training was conducted across the five localities of Azaguié (South), Korhogo (North), Adzopé (South-East), Abengourou (East) and Daloa (South-Westt) between 12 June and 20 October 2023, and brought together 82 young trainees, including 13 women.

These activities were conducted in a face-to-face modality and consisted of a first training phase aiming to assess the digital skills proficiency of participants within the designated localities, as well as their motivation to continue to engage and contribute to building the digital capacities of citizens, as Digital Ambassadors. Courses were delivered through the Cisco Skills for All platform and focused on Operating Systems Basics. Following the first phase, participants completed 65 hours of self-paced learning between 30 October and 1 December (phase 2), after which they will attend the third and final phase of the programme, to be held subsequently in December 2023. 


DTC-Zambia continues to raise awareness on the DTC Initiative and mobilise stakeholders nationwide

DTC Zambia

Following the first stakeholder engagement workshop held in Lusaka in July 2023, SMART Zambia Institute (SZI) brought together national and international stakeholders for a second workshop held in Chongwe, Lusaka Province, on 13 October 2023. The workshop was conducted with the support of ITU and Cisco and aimed to maximise engagement and foster collaborative efforts among stakeholders to contribute to the effective implementation of the DTC Initiative in Zambia. Representatives of 14 potential stakeholder institutions from the Government, the private sector (including telecommunication companies), Academia, and civil society organizations, shared feedback on how to address existing challenges through strategic partnerships and increased stakeholder involvement. Discussion outcomes included the decision to establish training centres in local markets through the Zambia National Marketeers Association (ZANAMA) in Lusaka, and to establish a local centre at the District Commissioners office in Lusaka. As a way forward, SZI will continue to work closely with prospective local training centres on the appointment of Digital Ambassadors to ensure community mobilisation through awareness-raising campaigns.  

DTC-Indonesia concludes a 2-week train-the-trainer programme on Cisco Networking Academy basic digital skills programme

From 11 to 22 September 2023, BPPTIK conducted a training of trainers on basic digital skills programmes of the Cisco Networking Academy, with support from ITU and Cisco. The training was held virtually on the first week and face-to-face on the second week, at BPPTIK training centre in Jakarta. In total, 60 trainers, including 24 women, attended the training and were divided into three groups to maximize learner-instructor interaction over the course of the 10-day programme. Participants were introduced to the Cisco Networking Academy system and were trained on how to deliver effective face-to-face and online digital skills training to citizens, considering the connectivity and device limitation of users, particularly those living in remote areas.

DTC Indonesia TOT
DTC Indonesia TOT
DTC Indonesia TOT

Facilitators of DTC-Dominican Republic get trained on HP-LIFE programme


As part of their collaboration under the DTC Initiative, ITU and the UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) co-organised train-the-trainer sessions on the HP-LIFE programme for facilitators of “Centros Teleológicos Comunitarios” (CTC), the DTC in the Dominican Republic. The training was conducted virtually on 18-21 September in Spanish language and brought together 22 (16 male, 6 female) trainers and managers from local training centres. As the DTC in the Dominican Republic already has proven experience in using and delivering HP-LIFE courses as part of its training offering, the HP master trainer convened participants for a brainstorming session prior to the training to take stock of their specific needs and tailor the programme accordingly. 

Sessions focused on the tools, techniques, and best practices to deliver the programme, particularly the courses on entrepreneurship skills, communication, and soft skills in leadership and provided an interactive platform for participants to engage in simulation exercises and presentations. Most attendees expressed interest in continuing the process through deep-dive trainer sessions, to be held within the next months.

ITU signs a Joint Declaration with Indosat to strengthen capacity and digital skills development in Indonesia under the DTC Initiative

A Joint Declaration on strengthened collaboration in the field of capacity and digital skills development between Indosat (PT Indosat TBK) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) was signed on 13 September 2023 by Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau and Mr Vikram Sinha, President Director and CEO, PT Indosat TBK. 

This collaboration aims to strengthen digital literacy and skills of citizens in underserved communities, and promote digital inclusion in Indonesia, with particular focus on the Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative, which supports countries to develop the capacities and digital skills of their citizens.  

The Declaration builds on the takeaways of the ITU-Cisco DTC Workshop for Telecommunication companies, during which participants discussed joint projects and support modalities to effectively engage telecommunication companies in the work of the Digital Transformation Centres and the overall Initiative.  

The signing ceremony took place during the ITU Regional Development Forum for Asia and the Pacific, held in Bangkok from 13 to 15 September 2023.  

Join Declaration ITU and Indosat
Join Declaration ITU and Indosat
Join Declaration ITU and Indosat

ITU brings together DTC trainers and managers to enhance their delivery skills on Microsoft Digital Literacy and Productivity content

ITU DTC Microsoft

On 22 August 2023, ITU and Microsoft co-organised online information sessions on “Digital Literacy, Productivity and M365 teacher resources” under the Digital Transformation Centres Initiative. ITU convened the session as a response to the Digital Transformation Centres (DTCs)’s expression of interest in incorporating content and tools from Microsoft into their training offerings. More than 60 trainers and centre managers from 12 DTCs were introduced to the Microsoft learning pathways and trainer resources, with a particular focus on course structure and delivery approaches. Sessions included interactive polls through which participants shared their preferred topics and teaching methods. Most attendees (over 74 per cent) indicated a stronger interest in the content on digital literacy and M365, while others shared initial ideas on how they plan to train citizens within their communities.

DTC-Zambia brings stakeholders together for a workshop on the DTC Initiative in Ndola

SZI stakeholder engagement
 © SMART Zambia Institute

On 28 July 2023, SMART Zambia Institute (SZI) conducted a stakeholder engagement workshop on the implementation of the Digital Transformation Centres Initiative in Ndola, Zambia, with the support of ITU and Cisco. The workshop was organised to raise awareness on the DTC Initiative, propose strategies for collaborative stakeholder engagement and to define the specific responsibilities of stakeholders in implementing activities under the DTCI. Discussions touched upon current challenges faced in the implementation of the Initiative and how to address these gaps through strategic partnerships and increased stakeholder involvement. The event brought together stakeholders from various ministries and government agencies, as well as representatives of telecommunication companies and institutions of higher learning. Representatives of Cisco and ITU participated in the session remotely.  

DTC-Philippines organises a train-the-trainer activity on the Cisco Networking Academy

From 19-21 July 2023, the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) of the Philippines, with support from ITU and Cisco, conducted a training-the-trainer course on basic digital skills, in General Santos City, Philippines. The activity brought together 70 designated trainers who support the DTC Initiative at the regional level and was delivered by Cisco-certified instructors. Participants were trained on how to manage and navigate the Cisco Networking Academy and deliver effective online and offline digital skills training. 

Philippines TOT
TOT Philippines

DTC trainers and centre managers enhance their knowledge and delivery skills on the HP-LIFE programme


In July 2023, ITU and the UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) co-organised a number of train-the-trainer sessions on the HP-LIFE global training programme, as part of ITU and HP’s collaboration under the Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative.

The training was conducted online over the course of three weeks and followed a 3-hour orientation session held in March 2023. Separate sessions were held simultaneously in English and French to accommodate DTCs from both English-speaking and French-speaking countries.

During the sessions, 28 trainers and training centre managers from 10 DTCs were able to gain practical know-how to deliver the HP-LIFE programme on ICT and business skills. Master trainers from HP covered topics ranging from ICT-enabled entrepreneurship to communication and presentation skills and invited participants to reflect on effective ways to deliver those courses within their centres and adapt their teaching approach to the needs of their beneficiaries.

At the end of the training, participants took part in a final simulation exercise to showcase the pedagogical tools, facilitation techniques and soft skills learned during the programme. As a next step, they will be responsible for gradually incorporating the HP-LIFE programme into the course offerings of their respective DTCs.    

CEOs of Telecommunication Companies commit to accelerating digital skills during Mobile World Congress

The International Telecommunication Union and Cisco co-organized an Executive Roundtable discussion on the Digital Transformation Centres Initiative (DTCI) during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, on 28 February 2023. 

The session introduced the DTCI and aimed to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a global partnership where telecommunication companies come together and commit to supporting digital skills development and digital inclusion in underserved communities, under the Initiative. 

The Roundtable brought together CEOs of Telecommunication companies from Africa, Arab States, Asia-Pacific and Europe and provided an opportunity for them to share on-going initiatives aiming at fostering digital literacy in communities and connecting underserved areas.  

Participants highlighted the need to strengthen digital skills at the basic and intermediate levels and to build the capacity of trainers and teachers. Discussions also focused on inclusive approaches to reach target beneficiaries such as women, youth, rural populations, Persons with Disabilities and other vulnerable groups.  

As a follow-up to the Roundtable, ITU and Cisco are organizing a Global Workshop, to be held in Geneva from 30 May to 1 June 2023. The workshop will serve as a platform to continue the dialogue on joint projects and support modalities to effectively engage telecommunication companies in the work of the Digital Transformation Centres and the overall Initiative.

Ghana’s underserved rural communities get a digital skills training boost

Abdulai Asana’s ambition of creating visibility for her bakery business online led her to participate in the digital skills training programme organised by Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) earlier this year in Yendi, Ghana.  She plans to use her newly acquired skills to grow her new pastry business.

The training programme was part of the ongoing ‘Boosting Digital Skills’ project, which, through the Digital Transformation Centre Initiative (DTCI) funded by NORAD and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), aims to serve citizens like Asana living in Ghana’s underserved rural communities. Read more

Ghana’s underserved rural communities
Ghana’s underserved rural communities 2
Ghana’s underserved rural communities 3

Launch of the Digital Transformation Centre in Ethiopia

The Digital Transformation Centre (DTC) in Ethiopia was launched on 9 May 2022, in Addis Ababa. The event, which was officially opened by the Minister of Innovation and Technology, H.E. Belete Molla, was attended by 55 people from universities and training institutions that will support the DTC as training delivery partners, as well as UN Agencies, development partners, private sector and non-governmental organizations.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Anne-Rachel Inné, Director, ITU Regional Office for Africa, emphasized the importance of developing digital skills for people in marginalized and underserved communities as part of building an inclusive digital society.

Launch of the Digital Transformation Centre in Ethiopia
Group work Day1
Group work Day 2

Developing new skills to help transform a nation: Papua New Guinea

ITU and its partners deliver digital skills training to girls in underprivileged communities in Zambia

DTC Zambia

ITU together with its partners, Cisco, Smart Zambia Institute and Airtel Zambia, joined forces to deliver digital skills training to 150 girls in underprivileged communities across three provinces in Zambia.

The training was delivered under the ITU Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative and rolled out in three cohorts of 50 girls each, taking place in Lusaka Province (27 September – 6 October 2021), Southern Province (10 – 19 November 2021) and Copperbelt Province (1 – 10 December 2021). It is designed to equip the girls with basic and intermediate digital skills, inspire them and make them understand the opportunities and benefits of undertaking technology studies for their future careers.

The training took place in the premises of the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA) and was specifically tailored for a young audience, with some of the girls that had never used a computer before. The training covered a range of topics starting with the basics of how to use a computer and basics of hardware and software, to the introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity.

The training was designed to create a path for development for the girls, therefore the top 5 girls of each group will have the opportunity to access more advanced training. Thanks to the partnership with Airtel Zambia, they have already benefitted from mentorship programmes held in Airtel’s premises.

This has been a wonderful experience as we have learnt so much. Inspired by the slogan ‘KAZIpower’ (girl power), we look forward to having more opportunities like this in the near future and hope that many more girls in Zambia will get to experience what we have experienced, emphasized one of the girls after the second training in Livingstone, Southern Province.

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