- E-government
- Digital transformation
- English
- Eric Jackson
- Silvia Lips
- Anastasiia Dudko
Event organizer(s)

The course explains the foundational concepts and components for e-governance interaction in information society. It starts with an introduction to what information society is and how it has established the environment for e-governance development and digital transformation in the public sector. It also introduces the main building blocks of e-governance, their aims, initiatives, and enablers and details how they are related to external subjects and domains. As the nature of the course is interdisciplinary, it entails an intersection of multiple domains by explaining the political, legal, social, economic, and IT variables impacting e-governance implementation.
The course is intended for policymakers and government officials interested in public sector digitalization, transformation, and e-governance. No ICT background is required.
None. Participants don’t require prior knowledge to take this course.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe different technical, legal, political and social concepts impacting e-governance processes and components for digital transformation in the public sector and society.
- Analyze the fundamental GovStack building blocks of e-governance for developing an information society
- Explain the strategies and policies for governing digital transformation processes in the public and private sector
- Evaluate the e-governance journey in your own country, including the enabling and inhibiting factors behind it.
The course sessions will primarily be online lecture-led presentations, with class discussions and reflection. Additionally, the course contains informational online videos and small corresponding online activities through forum-based daily challenges. The final mini project is a one-pager (template provided) where participants reflect on the state of digitalization in their own context using the GovStack building blocks of e-governance.
Activity and weighting (%)
- Active participation (5 classes): 30%
- Forum challenges (mandatory contributions) (5 tasks): 30%
- Completion of final project (1 project): 40%
A total score higher than 70% is required to obtain the ITU certificate.
March 10th: e-Governance or e-Government? Introduction to GovStack Building Block Approach and DPI Global Ecosystem
- Sessions/Topics Covered:
- "e-Governance or e-Government? Introduction to GovStack Building Block Approach and DPI Global Ecosystem"
- Key Learning Points:
- Describe the difference between e-governance and e-government.
- Explain the whole-of-government approach and its intersection with the PDI ecosystem.
- Training Activities Details:
- Lecture-based, discussion, reflection, forum-based challenge, online videos
- Forum Challenge #1: In your opinion, what are the main differences between e-Governance and e-Government?
March 10th: e-Identification and the Legal Framework of e-Governance
- Sessions/Topics Covered:
- "e-Identification and the Legal Framework of e-Governance"
- Key Learning Points:
- Explain the importance of e-identification.
- Describe at a high level GovStack ID BB specifications while reflecting upon the impact of the legal environment as an enabler or inhibitor of e-governance implementation.
- Training Activities Details:
- Lecture-based, discussion, reflection, forum-based challenge, online videos
- Forum Challenge #2: How does the legal environment either facilitate or hinder the effective utilization of e-identification systems?
March 11th: Interoperability and Data Exchange – The Core Engine of e-Governance
- Sessions/Topics Covered:
- "Interoperability and Data Exchange – The Core Engine of e-Governance"
- Key Learning Points:
- Outline the core principles behind interoperable data exchange through different use cases.
- Reflect on the state of interoperability in their own context and describe it at a high level using GovStack Information Mediator Tech Specs.
- Training Activities Details:
- Lecture-based, discussion, case studies, reflection, forum-based challenge, online videos
- Forum Challenge #3: How should public sector organizations think about exchanging data more efficiently and effectively? Has there been a time in your workplace where a lack of interoperability has hindered your work?
March 11th: AI Use in the Public Sector – Challenges and Opportunities
- Sessions/Topics Covered:
- "AI Use in the Public Sector – Challenges and Opportunities"
- Key Learning Points:
- Describe the challenges and opportunities AI presents for the public sector.
- Training Activities Details:
- Lecture-based, discussion, reflection, forum-based challenge, online videos
- Forum Challenge #4: In your opinion, what are some methods for limiting bias and creating the right conditions for trustworthy AI?
March 12th: Organizational Change Management for Digital Transformation
- Sessions/Topics Covered:
- "Organizational Change Management for Digital Transformation"
- Key Learning Points:
- Explain different change management strategies and identify challenges associated with undergoing digital transformation in the public sector.
- Training Activities Details:
- Lecture-based, discussion, reflection, forum-based challenge, online videos
- Forum Challenge #5: In your opinion, what is the most challenging aspect for public sector organizations when undergoing digital transformation?
Final Project
- Sessions/Topics Covered:
- Final project
- Key Learning Points:
- The final project is a one-pager (template provided) where participants reflect on the state of digitalization in their own country context using the GovStack building blocks of e-governance.
- Training Activities Details:
- Deadline: March 12th