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The ITU Academy offers a wide range of general and specialized courses on all aspects of information and communication technologies. ITU is partnering with various training providers to deliver about 150 training activities per year. Partners include ITU Academy Training Centres as well as academic institutions and the private sector.

Training activities can be delivered:

  • Online through the ITU Academy platform;
  • Face-to-face through ATCs, academic and other partner institutions;
  • Blended training, which combines face-to-face with online activities and self-studies.

Under the umbrella of the Academy, ITU also designs and develops standardized training programmes and resources corresponding to ITU main areas of activity. Materials are developed and peer reviewed by experts from ITU, academic scholars and other experts, to ensure they meet the highest levels of quality and is conform to ITU standards. In addition, materials are designed in such a way that training providers other than ITU can be involved in the delivery..

To browse all ITU Academy training courses, please visit the ONLINE CATALOGUE.

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