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How to join the programme

Institutions wishing to be considered for the ATC programme can reach out to ituacademy[at] 

Participation criteria

Selection of participating institution is based on several criteria, as captured below.

Commitment to programme development and working with the ITU and other Centres

  • Ability and willingness to work in partnership with ITU, focusing on ITU priority themes within the framework of the ITU Academy
  • Ability to deliver to a global audience, including developing countries
  • Proposed approach to the delivery of training courses under the ATC programme
  • Robust and sustainable business model(s) for the delivery of ATC activities
  • Proposed approach to marketing courses and attracting students
  • Financial and human resources required to manage and implement ATC activities, including the collection of course fees where these are to be charged

Institutional quality and capacity

  • Expertise and proven performance in the delivery of training courses concerned with telecommunications/ICTs to the target audience addressed by the ATC programme
  • Experience in delivering training to international participants from diverse countries, including developing countries
  • Expertise and capabilities to deliver a high standard of training, in one or more official UN languages 
  • Expertise and capabilities to deliver training over an online platform
  • Quality of training materials
  • Quality of instructors, including the ability to hire and work with international experts
  • Quality of teaching methods

Expertise in priority areas

  • Familiarity with and expertise in delivering training in the priority themes and sub-themes for which they are selected
  • International recognition for work in the selected priority themes and sub-themes
  • Availability of online training materials in the selected priority themes and sub-themes and/or the capacity to develop these to a high standard prior to course delivery
  • Availability of trained instructors with expertise in the selected priority themes and sub-themes
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