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Event dates
Global or multi-regional
Training topics
Satellite Communications
Training type
Online instructor led
  • Caleb Rori
  • Jonathan Mwakijele
  • Anita Natwati
Course level


Payment methods
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit card
  • M-pesa
Event email contact

Event organizer(s)



Based on ITU’s Radio Regulations, the course aims to provide training in: 

  • ITU, ITU-R & Orbit Spectrum Allocation Procedures; 
  • Coordination, Notification & recording Procedures for Non Plan Frequency Bands; 
  • Technical & Regulatory Examination of satellite filings; 
  • Coordination between Geostationary Satellite Networks; 
  • Receivability of Space Notices for API, CRC and Notification; 
  • BR Space software and databases; 
  • BRIFIC, Preface and Rules of Procedures; 
  • Administrative Due Diligence (Resolution 49); 
  • Cost Recovery for Satellite Network Filings; 
  • Commenting on Special Sections – API and CRC and 
  • Regulatory procedure for satellite networks not subject to coordination. 

The course is in general designed for an audience that deals with telecommunication organizations and is concerned particularly with space radiocommunication services. For initiating ITU fillings for satellite networks and taking further steps towards coordination, notification, and registration of frequency assignments to space systems with the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, this course shall provide details and procedures. 

As a prerequisite, the audience of this course is expected to be from an engineering or technical background familiar with the principles of satellite communication. Familiarity with ITU’s Radio Regulations and some background about how satellite notices are dealt with by the ITU would be an advantage. 

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Use ITU’s Radio Regulations 
  • Apply coordination and notification procedures of article 9 and 11 respectively 
  • Use ITU databases and software packages 
  • Appy filing procedures for non-plan space services 
  • Use space-plans appendix 30/30 and 30B are not included 

PowerPoint Presentations shall be made by the instructors to introduce and explain the finer points of the subject matter. Necessary references shall be provided to the relevant provisions of ITU’s Radio Regulations and other publications of the Radiocommunication Bureau/ Space Services Department. ITU/BR software packages shall be demonstrated. These packages have been developed in-house at the ITU/Radiocommunication Bureau. Focus shall be to explain the relevant procedures associated with the title of the subject matter i.e., Satellite coordination and filling. 

There would be group exercises using the ITU/BR/SSD Web page. Methods to query ITU database shall be explained besides, data capture, use of validation software and other software packages to calculate the PFD (Power Flux Density) on the Earth’s surface and to check it with the limits of Article 21. Methods to use Appendix 5 for illustrating conditions of satellite coordination shall be explained and there would be exercises and quizzes to illustrate the concept. There shall be other exercises related to various subject matters described below in Section 6. 

Live lectures and discussions will be conducted through ZOOM every week on Tuesday and Thursday from 1500 Hours to 1700 Hours EAT (GMT+3). 

Participation in Forums (4) 20% 

Quizzes (4) 40% 

End of course assignment (1)  40% 


A total score of 70% or higher is required to obtain the ITU certificate. 

Registration information

Unless specified otherwise, all ITU Academy training courses are open to all interested professionals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. We strongly encourage registrations from female participants, and participants from developing countries. This includes least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

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