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Digital inclusion
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Online self-paced
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The training course aims at raising awareness and increasing the capacity of ITU members, stakeholders and policy-makers to address the two global megatrends of population ageing and the exponential rise in digital technologies. Through its three modules the training provides holistic information and guidelines on digital inclusion tailored to the challenges faced by older persons. The training aims at supporting all stakeholders' efforts to ensure that older persons are equally and equitably empowered by new technologies and so can actively participate in the digital society, economy and environment. To enable everyone to have access to this training knowledge the content is so designed to be digitally accessible to everyone including persons with hearing impairment or visual disabilities.

The target audience for this course is all ITU members, stakeholders and policy-makers. To ensure inclusive learning, this self-paced training course has been designed to be accessible by all people, including by persons with disabilities 

No prior knowledge or qualification in the topic is required. However, for interested learners, please visit Ageing in a digital world for related information on the topic. 

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Name and identify the key building blocks of digital inclusion.
  • Recognise the role of ICT accessibility as a key element to overcome any possible decline in older persons’ functional abilities.
  • Define two key elements for the adoption of ICTs by older persons.
  • Identify three digital challenges faced by older persons.
  • Identify the requirements to develop accessible and age-friendly environments.
  • Identify the main elements required to ensure digitally inclusive communities in which older persons are active participants and valuable contributors.
  • Apply good practices to formulate a digital policy to support better livelihood and socio-economic development of older persons.
  • Find more information and related resources on digital inclusion and how to develop age-friendly environments.

This self-paced training course is designed to be inclusive for everyone interested in the subject matter and so is accessible by all persons including those with disabilities. Therefore, the training is delivered through a player which supports several accessibility features.  All text is read out by a state-of-the art text to speech engine, volume can be adjusted, and closed captions are available.  The course player works with JAWS 16 and later, NVDA, VoiceOver and TalkBack screen readers in a range of browsers. The training course comprises of three modules.  Each module comprises of content, supporting images and multimedia, including infographics, interactive presentation, and videos aiming to increase learner knowledge and understanding of ICTs and ageing for better livelihood in the digital landscape.   Additionally, several case studies are presented to demonstrate how countries around the world address the two global megatrends of the rapid increase in population ageing and the exponential rise in digital technologies.  Recommendations and guidelines on how to facilitate the digital inclusion of older persons are included in addition to specific guidelines on ICT/digital accessibility.  At the end of each module, and before moving on to the next, the learner will take a quiz based on the training content.  Progress will be tracked by the Learning Management System (LMS).

Please note that quizzes within the course do not contain their own audio. At the end of each module, learners will answer several quiz questions to reinforce and assess knowledge.  Each question must be answered correctly before moving on to the next.  You may attempt each question as many times as you wish.  At the end of the course, the learner will answer ten questions. Each question carries ten marks.   A score of 80 per cent (80%) is required to obtain an ITU badge.  Subject to successful validation of knowledge, a digital completion badge will be awarded by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Academy.  

The module topics are:

1. Ageing better in a digital world This module sets the context of “ageing better in a digital world”.

It addresses the two global megatrends that impact each other: the exponential rise of digital technologies and the rapid increase of ageing populations. It helps all stakeholders understand the challenges caused by these megatrends and turn these into opportunities while developing age-friendly digital environments.

2. Key elements for digital inclusion and the adoption of ICTs by older persons

This module presents the key elements that should be considered in the process of digital inclusion of older adults. These include the ICT accessibility requirements and standards, as well as digital skills and the adoption of technology.

3. Policies and strategy recommendations from the perspective of ICTs and ageing as an opportunity for better livelihood and independent living

This module highlights trends, identifies good practices and provides guidelines and possible solutions of the use of ICTs to leverage the contributions of older generations, reduce their vulnerability and foster their socio-economic development. 

Registration information

Unless specified otherwise, all ITU Academy training courses are open to all interested professionals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. We strongly encourage registrations from female participants, and participants from developing countries. This includes least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

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