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Spectrum management
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Online instructor led
  • Jonathan Mwakijele
  • Anita Natwati
Course level


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This training course focuses on the whole Radio Spectrum ecosystem in general and HF Band use in particular and on the best international practices as far as radio communication is concerned.

This course shall enable learners to undertake spectrum planning and frequency allocation tasks effectively in their entities. They will be able to ensure interference free communication in the field and use the allocated spectrum in a sustainable and efficient manner for the benefit of all stake holders. Further they will be able to conduct frequency notification to the bureau using the Electronic-notification system from ITU-R. The course shall enable learners to conduct interference free communication using HF and VHF Systems in a rational, efficient and sustainable manner for the benefits of all.

This course is designed for officers working with and operating VHF and HF systems including maritime, aeronautical, meteorological, scientific research, amateur and related fields. Specific audiences includes staff from airport avionics operation, civil aviation authorities, ports maritime communication officers, meteorological engineers, amateur radio operators, researchers that operate and use HF Systems as well as NGOs and humanitarian agencies such as UNHCR, USAID, UNICEF, Red Cross and Red Crescent, MSF, World Vision, and security agencies among others.

Participants should be familiar with VHF/HF Radio Systems and their usage in the field.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to: 

  • Conduct Spectrum Management and Frequency Assignment Tasks
  • Use ITU-R Radio Regulations in operation of VHF/HF and Radar Systems
  • Conduct Spectrum allocation for VHF and HF systems
  • Distinguish what is causing harmful interference 
  • Analyze interference and prevent its occurrence through careful plans
  • Apply regulatory requirements for using HF Systems 
  • Conduct international frequency coordination with the Bureau
  • Apply spectrum efficiency best practices
  • Comply with national and international Radio Regulations 

The method that shall be used includes but is not limited to lectures using PowerPoint presentations, group discussions, group project assignments, discussion forums, quizzes, case studies from different regions on subject matter, simulations as well as presentations from learners.

Quizzes (4) 40

Discussion forums (4) 20

End of course assignment (1) 40


A total score of 70% or higher is required to obtain the ITU certificate. 

Week 1 HF Systems:

  1. Introduction to Radio Spectrum and Spectrum Management:

The Roles of ITU and ITU- R Radio Regulations, Frequency Allocation for HF systems, spectrum sharing, Interference and interference management, Regulatory requirements for radio transmitters, international coordination and recording of assignments in MIFR

  1. HF Systems: broadcasting, aeronautical, meteorological, and Disaster relief, 
  2. Oceanographic radar systems, Frequency adaptive HF
  3. GMDSS, Global communication systems
  4. Future trends in HF communication

Learning Outcomes

  1. Learners will study spectrum management functions and importance of efficient spectrum use without causing interference based on  ITU-R Regulations. (Red Book)
  2. Learners will understand how HF frequencies are allocated and how they are shared by transmitters without causing harmful interference
  3. Learners will understand the need to comply with regulations from ITU-R and NRAs in respective countries
  4. Learners will familiarize with HF Systems for broadcasting, Aeronautical, meteorological and maritime communications


Exercise on E-submission to the bureau for HF stations for inclusion in the MIFR using BR-Terrestrial Software from ITU

Discussion forum 1

Quiz 1: Friday


Week 2 Science Services:

  1. Introduction to Science Services
  2. Radio Astronomy Service
  3. Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS)
  4. The Met Aids and Meteorological Satellite Services
  5. Space Research Service (SRS)
  6. Space Operations Service 
  7. Standard Time and Frequency (STF) Service and STF- Satellite Service

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be in a position to effectively conduct scientific research using satellite systems for meteorology, space research, space operations and STF synchronization services


Exercises on E-Submission and coordination of Space satellite with BR-Space Software from ITU-R

Discussion forum 2

Quiz 2: Friday


Week 3 Maritime Services:

  1. Maritime Communication Services and Systems
  2. The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
  3. Maritime Regulatory Action
  4. Special services and Systems
  5. National Frequency assignments and Coordination for maritime stations
  6. Role of the IMO and National Safety Agencies in the Maritime Mobile Service
  7. Future Trends in Maritime Communications

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to use GMDSS systems to effectively communicate. They will equally be able to conduct national frequency assignments and coordination with the bureau. Learners will understand the roles of IMO and national safety agencies in MMS.


Exercises with GMDSS Simulator.

Exercises on BRIFIC-Space Software (ITU-R)

Discussion forum 3

Quiz 3: Friday


Week 4 Amateur Services: 

  1. Introduction to amateur services
  2. Amateur Radio Spectrum Management
  3. Licensing
  4. Communication techniques
  5. Amateur Radio as a Tool to Develop Human Resources
  6. Interference and safety
  7. The Future of Amateur communication

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to use amateur radio systems for effective communication. They will know that licensing is mandatory for Amateur ratio use. They will use the radio interference free and safely.


Discussion forum 4

Quiz 4: Friday

End of course assignment submission: Friday

Registration information

Unless specified otherwise, all ITU Academy training courses are open to all interested professionals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. We strongly encourage registrations from female participants, and participants from developing countries. This includes least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

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