This free of charge self-paced course has been designed to be accessible for everyone including by persons with disabilities. To access the course you should previously register in ITU Academy. The course, estimated to about 8h, provides a holistic knowledge on the topic of ICT accessibility through 3 Modules as follows: Module 1:Enabling communication for all through ICT Accessibility This module aims to provide learners with an introduction to ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities. It an overview of the global Digital Inclusion policy agenda that requires persons with disabilities can access and use mainstream ICTs on an equal basis with others and are consequently enabled to participate fully in society. It describes the legal, economic and social imperative for making everyday ICTs more accessible and describes many of the main accessibility features available in technology today that benefit persons with disabilities, older people and others. This module is targeted at managers, ICT staff and employees from government organisations including central procurement agencies, ICT companies, civil society bodies representing persons with disabilities and academia. This module is one of three new modules that forms a comprehensive self-paced learning course on ICT accessibility. The course's modules aims to provide learners with an introduction to ICT accessibility, on overview of relevant ICT accessibility standards, regulation and policy and practical advice on the public procurement of accessible ICTs. Module 2: ICT Accessibility policy regulations and standards This module aims to provide learners with a knowledge and understanding of: a) policies and laws from around the world that support ICT accessibility, b) the role and development of international ICT standards that specify in detail accessibility features and functions for everyday ICTs, and c) how public procurement is being leveraged to encourage innovation and improve the quality, availability and affordability of accessible ICTs. This module is targeted at managers, ICT staff and employees from government organizations including central procurement agencies, ICT companies, civil society bodies representing persons with disabilities and academia. This module of one of three new modules that forms a comprehensive self-paced learning course on ICT accessibility. The course's modules aims to provide learners with an introduction to ICT accessibility, on overview of relevant ICT accessibility standards, regulation and policy and practical advice on the public procurement of accessible ICTs. Module 3: Achieving ICT accessibility through public procurement This module aims to assist learners specify accessibility for persons with disabilities in the public procurement of everyday ICT products and services such as websites and computers, address accessibility during the main stages of the public procurement process, and to ensure the procured ICTs conform with the required accessibility standards. This module is targeted at managers, ICT staff and employees from government organizations including central procurement agencies, ICT companies, civil society bodies representing persons with disabilities and academia. This module of one of three new modules that forms a comprehensive self-paced learning course on ICT accessibility. The course's modules aims to provide learners with an introduction to ICT accessibility, on overview of relevant ICT accessibility standards, regulation and policy and practical advice on the public procurement of accessible ICTs. The successful validation of the knowledge achieved as a result of this course completion lead to an ITU certificate.