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Training topics
Smart cities and communities
Training type
Online instructor led
  • Louis-Ray Harris
  • Mikaila Collymore
Course level


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  • Credit card
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Many countries have begun to develop smart villages/towns/cities with varying degrees of success. This course focuses on the design and implementation of smart sustainable cities (SSCs), and would be useful for policy makers, urban planners, and anyone interested in understanding basic aspects of smart city development.

The course provides an overview of aspects of smart cities to be considered when aiming to achieve this development. It focuses on the perspectives of the human element and the built environment. Although reference is made to more technical topics (such as sensors and radiofrequency propagation), those are the focus of a more advanced-level course.  

This course aims to provide information about theoretical and practical considerations in the early stages of the development of smart cities. It targets intermediate and senior personnel in Government offices, regulatory authorities, and public and private entities that are responsible for proposing and installing solutions for smart cities. Members of academia and others in related research fields will also benefit from this course.

Participants should ideally (but not necessarily):

  • be familiar with urban planning concepts
  • have a basic understanding of principles of communications systems.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the concept of a smart city.
  • Recognize different stages of smart city implementation.
  • Identify parameters/services that affect smart city planning.
  • Assess different aspects of a city’s infrastructure and its suitability for “smartification.”
  • Devise a plan for the development of a basic smart city based on specific scenarios.

The objectives of this training course will be achieved over 20 days, starting with a brief quiz (MCQ) to determine the initial understanding of the participants before the first session. On Day 1, reading material will be made available on the platform along with a simple pre-quiz for participants to complete before the first synchronous session. On Day 2, there will be one 2-hr synchronous Zoom session followed by an online individual assignment related to the content covered. On Day 3, an online quiz (MCQ) will be made available for completion before the second synchronous Zoom session on Day 4. There will be another assignment related to the content covered during Day 4. Then, on Day 6, there will be the final scheduled synchronous session, which will be approximately 1.5-hr long. On Days 7 to 19, participants will be required to complete an online group assignment, which will require collaboration with other participants virtually. On Day 20, there will be a final exam (MCQ). In addition, all participants are required to contribute to online discussion forums throughout the duration of the entire course.

The course will use a combination of PowerPoint slides that present relevant background information and theory related to different topics pertaining to the design and development of smart cities. Several scenarios will be covered in a series of activities to engage the participants. A case study will be presented to show an example of the implementation of different components of different cities. The graded quizzes will be used to assess the degree to which participants have improved their understanding of the material presented. A group activity will be planned and participants will be required to assess a real village/town/city to determine its suitability as a smart city, and to show steps required for their transformation into smart cities. Participation will be required for all synchronous sessions, and contributes 5% of the final grade.

A total score higher than 70% is required to obtain the ITU certificate.

The course will be assessed as follows:

1. Attendance (Individual) 5%

2. Discussion Forum Participation (Individual) 15%

  • Participant posts new comments about each topic covered during the sessions or responds to at least three (3) comments posted by other participants.

3. Assignment / Quizzes (Individual) 20%

  • Successful completion of this component will require the participant to complete and submit quizzes and assignments that are posted.

4. Group Activity 10%

  • Small groups will be formed at the end of the final day of instruction, and participants will be assigned a task to complete and submit.

5. Final Exam (MCQ) (Individual) 50%

  • 20 MCQ questions randomly presented from a bank of questions. To be completed within 7 days of being made available.

Day 1 (April 28) 

Introduction to Smart Cities 

  • Introduction to Smart Cities 

Day 2 (April 29) 

  1. Urbanization: The Case for going Smart 
  • Economic development and urbanization 
  • What is a “Smart Sustainable City”? 
  • How much “smartness” is really needed? 
  • Smart cities and existing infrastructure 

Day 3 (May 1) 

  1. Service Factors – Implications of Going Smart 
  • Classification of Smart Sustainable Cities 
  • Implications of Going Smart 
  • Demographic Trends 
  • KPIs for Residential, Commercial & Industrial Environments 
  • Making Urban and Rural Spaces Smart 

 Day 4 (May 6) 

  1. Planning for Smart City Development 
  • Assessing the suitability of a city for smart city development. 

 Day 5 (May 17) 

         Final Test 


Registration information

Unless specified otherwise, all ITU Academy training courses are open to all interested professionals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. We strongly encourage registrations from female participants, and participants from developing countries. This includes least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

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