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Global or multi-regional
Training topics
ICT Accessibility
Digital inclusion
Training type
Online self-paced
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About this course This self-paced online course on inclusive digital communication during crises and emergency situations has been developed in response to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. It is in line with, and in support to the UN Secretary General Policy on Disability Inclusion and the BDT work in ICT/digital accessibility to ensure digital inclusion. It comprises one module and aims to provide direction and practical guidance on how to develop and deliver inclusive digital communication during times of crisis or emergency. This course is an introduction to inclusive digital communication. It highlights the importance of delivering accessible digital information and communication across a range of digital platforms, and in multiple formats. It focuses on the importance of incorporating ICT accessibility when developing contingency and national emergency telecommunication plans at local, regional, and national levels. ICT accessibility not only addresses the needs of persons with disabilities, but it also ensures vital information and communication can be accessed, understood, and used other persons including those with specific needs, older citizens, women, girls, refugees, and migrants. It is estimated this course will take approximately one and a half hours (1.5hrs) to complete. A completion ce

Registration information

Unless specified otherwise, all ITU Academy training courses are open to all interested professionals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. We strongly encourage registrations from female participants, and participants from developing countries. This includes least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

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