- ICT Accessibility course in Arabic-إمكانية الوصول إلى تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات
- ICT Accessibility course in English-ICT accessibility-The key to inclusive communication (a self-paced training)
- ICT Accessibility course in French-Accessibilité des TIC - La clé d'une communication inclusive(formation en ligne à votre rythme)
- ICT Accessibility course in Russian-Доступность ИКТ – ключ к инклюзивному общению (самостоятельное онлайн-обучение)
- ICT Accessibility course in Spanish-Accesibilidad a las TIC: la clave para la comunicación inclusiva(formación autodidacta en línea)
*Arabic, French, English, Russian and Spanish course content is in the same course space.
This free of charge self-paced course has been designed to be accessible for everyone including by persons with disabilities.
To access the course you should previously register in ITU Academy.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become a part of everyone’s life as the primary means for communications, information sharing, transactions, education, and entertainment, regardless of one’s age, gender, or ability. Therefore, it is essential to know how to communicate with each other in a digitally inclusive way mainstreaming ICT accessibility as the key to achieving a digitally inclusive world (see a 3 min video, which introduces the topic)
To achieve inclusive communication ICT accessibility requirements, principles and standards should be fully considered and implemented. ICTs should not only be available and affordable but also accessible, so designed to meet the needs and abilities of as many people as possible – including those with disabilities. Accessibility of ICT is compulsory if we wish to ensure that everyone’s right to communicate in the digital world is respected.
This training course encompasses a holistic introduction to ICT accessibility from the perspective of digital inclusion. The course includes an overview of relevant ICT accessibility requirements, policies, regulations, standards, as well as the tools and resources such as practical advice on the public procurement of accessible ICTs.