- Toni Janevski
- Sylwester Laskowski
This course will focus on technical, business and regulatory aspects of the 5G mobile networks. It include will 4G mobile technology transition toward the 5G, considering the access and core networks as well as end-user services. Mobile broadband Internet after 4G will continue with the next generation, 5G, so the course will cover also IPv6 and its impact on 5G mobile networks. Further, it will include M2M (Machine-to-Machine) and mobile Internet of Things (IoT) services are foreseen types in future 5G mobile environments, as well as mobile cloud computing implementations. Also, the course will include spectrum management for IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications) including the 5G considerations. The QoS in mobile networks going from 3G/4G mobile world toward the 5G will continue to be important, hence the course will also focus on QoS and QoE in next generation mobile environments. Finally, the course will focus on emerging services and applications in 5G mobile networks in different verticals, including technology, as well as their business and regulation aspects.