- ICT/Telecom Regulation
- English
- Emmanuel NIYIKORA
- Mustafa Almadhi
- Nancy Johanne Sundberg
- Samantha O'Riordan
Event organizer(s)

This five-day training course is primarily based on the ITU/World Bank digital regulation platform and the ITU FCDO universal access and service financing efficiency toolkit with a focus on the following aspects: digital transformation strategies, regulatory governance, evidence-based decision-making, regulatory sandboxes, competition and economics (market analysis), infrastructure sharing and universal access and service financing efficiency.
This training course aims to examine specific aspects of digital regulation to enhance participants' further knowledge of the issues at stake. Therefore, the training course does not provide an in-depth analysis of every regulatory aspect of digital regulation. Still, it enables participants to get a deeper understanding and greater knowledge of specific policy and regulation aspects in a digital world.
The training will be organized by ITU in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank, as part of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) project funded by Saudi Arabia on assistance in telecommunication/ICTs, and with financial support of the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The training is divided into a two-day online instructor led training and a three-day in person training. This training will be conducted in English.
The training is designed for senior government decision-makers, ICT policymakers, senior managers from ICT/Telecommunications regulators, and other relevant regulatory agencies dealing with regulatory affairs in the Africa region.
Qualifications or experience needed to participate in this training course:
- Participants should be responsible for ICT/digital policy and regulation in their countries.
- A working knowledge of English is a prerequisite for participating in this training course.
Number of available places for the cohort: maximum 50, with a maximum of 2 seats per country (apart from host country)
Participants will gain deeper policy and regulatory insights into the digital ecosystem, enabling them to better navigate digital transformation's challenges while fostering universal access and service financing efficiency, safeguarding users and fostering competitive environments.
They will also examine the importance of collaborative regulation approaches and gain knowledge of the latest regulatory developments and global trends.
(For participants with a fellowship from IsDB: development of concept notes for projects related to promoting interconnection and access regulation, promoting universal access to ICT services, quality of service, promotion of competition and market analysis, infrastructure sharing, and others).
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Examine the different roles and responsibilities in the digital ecosystem
- Summarize the evolution of regulation, and universal service financing mechanisms and how the digital environment affects and redefines markets, policy and regulatory frameworks, businesses, and consumers.
- Explore the regulatory issues at stake in the digital environment to be better equipped to respond to the fast-changing digital environment,
- Outline the need for collaborative governance, agile regulation for innovation, access for all, public funding of universal access and services, and what needs to change to better assess how this applies to national circumstances.
This training will be delivered in two phases over a three-week period, all participants are required to complete the two phases:
- Week 1: two days online instructor-led sessions (3 hours each day) and preparation of IsDB project proposals
- Week 2: Three days of in-person sessions.
This training will be conducted in English. Participants must review PowerPoint slides and selected reference materials to revise and study. Participants will reinforce their understanding of the topics explored by drawing on their specific environments and are encouraged to consult with experienced colleagues working on relevant topics.
The following methods will be used for this course:
- Self-study of PPTs and reference materials;
- Instructor led presentations and interactive exercises made through Zoom and face-to-face;
- Interactive chat - breakout discussions and Hands on exercises;
- Final quiz at the end of the core sessions.
Participants’ performance in this training will be determined using a combination of grades for participation in sessions, breakout sessions and self-assessment quizzes.
- Participation in Zoom and face to face sessions: 30%
- Participation in the breakout sessions: 10%
- Self-Assessments quizzes (6 questions per quiz)"60%
- Total: 100%
A total score of 70% or higher is required to obtain the ITU certificate.
Online sessions (12 and 14 November)
Introduction to the training and digital regulation
Nancy Sundberg, ITU
Session 1: Developing/reviewing digital transformation strategy
Trainer: Vaiva Maciule
Session 2: Competition, market analysis, and economics
Trainer: Harm Aben
Session 3: Infrastructure sharing
Trainer: Harm Aben
Session 4: An introduction to Infrastructure mapping
Trainer: Vladimir Daigele, ITU
Session 5: Preparation and assignment for onsite training (for participants from IsDB member countries only)
Presenter: IsDB
In person sessions (18 to 20 November)
Introduction to phase two of the training and presentation of challenges
Emmanuel Niyikora, ITU
Session 6: Deep dive on regulatory governance and evidence-based decision-making
Trainer: Jeff Bernstein
Session 7: Effective collaboration mechanisms
Trainer: Jeff Bernstein
Breakout- Hands on exercise on regulatory governance and collaboration mechanisms (15h20-16h00)
Project and concept note submission
Session 8: Regulatory sandboxes
Trainer: Thabisa Faye Mwangi
Breakout session
Session 9: Access for all – the fundamentals
Trainer: Jeff Bernstein
Breakout session
Session 10: The Universal access financing toolbox
Trainer: Thabisa Faye Mwangi
Session 11: Deep dive into designing, implementing and maintaining impactful universal service programmes
Trainer: Thabisa Faye Mwangi
Session 12: Emerging solutions and approaches to sustainable connectivity and adoption programmes
Trainer: Thabisa Faye Mwangi
Wrap-up and Closing