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Global or multi-regional
Training topics
Spectrum management
Training type
Online instructor led
  • Jonathan Mwakijele
  • Anita Natwati
Course level


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  • Bank transfer
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  • M-pesa
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This course provides a comprehensive overview of spectrum management for aeronautical and radio determination services, including both commercial and military domains. Participants will gain a deep understanding of aeronautical systems, spectrum regulations, and practical spectrum management skills.

Through interactive lectures, practical exercises, and case studies, participants will develop the expertise to address complex challenges in aeronautical spectrum management.

This course is designed for professionals involved in spectrum management for aeronautical services, including:

  • Regulators from national telecommunication authorities
  • Spectrum managers from civil aviation authorities
  • Military spectrum managers
  • Engineers working in aeronautical communication systems

Participants should have a basic understanding of:

  • Radio spectrum concepts
  • Radiocommunication services
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify different types of commercial and military aeronautical systems.
  • Describe the navigation and communication (NAVCOM) requirements for aircraft.
  • Explain the role of ground-based and satellite-based systems in aeronautical services.
  • Differentiate between the Aeronautical Mobile Radio Service (AMRS) and the Radio Determination Service (RDS).
  • Analyze the role of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and ITU in aeronautical spectrum management.
  • Describe the importance of spectrum coordination and harmonization for aeronautical systems.
  • Apply their knowledge to spectrum planning exercises for aeronautical services.
  • Evaluate potential sources of harmful interference on the aeronautical spectrum.

This course will combine the following elements

  • Interactive lectures  every week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1500 hours to 1700 hours EAT.
  • Practical exercises to reinforce key concepts and apply knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Group discussions to encourage information sharing and collaboration.
  • Case studies to explore real-world challenges and solutions in aeronautical spectrum management.
  • Self-study assignments to deepen understanding of complex topics.

Participants will be assessed through a combination of methods:

Weekly Quiz (4) 40%

Weekly Forums (4) 20%

End of course assignment (1) 40%


A total score of 70% or higher is required to obtain the ITU certificate. 

Week 1 / Monday

Introduction to Aeronautical Systems

Learning Outcomes 

Understand the different types of aeronautical systems, their components, and operational principles.


Interactive lecture, multimedia presentations, case studies.


Week 1 / Wednesday

Navigation and Communication Requirements

Learning Outcomes 

Explain the essential navigation and communication needs for aircraft, including both commercial and military operations.


Interactive lecture, group discussions, guest speaker.


Week 1 / Friday

Week 1 Recap

Learning Outcomes 

Review key concepts, answer questions, and discuss potential challenges.


Online quiz, Forum Discussion.


Week 2 / Monday

Ground and Satellite-Based Aeronautical Systems

Learning Outcomes 

Describe the role and function of ground-based and satellite-based systems in supporting aeronautical operations.


Interactive lecture, multimedia presentations, case studies.


Week 2 / Wednesday

ICAO and ITU Roles in Spectrum Management

Learning Outcomes 

Explain the roles of ICAO and ITU in regulating and managing the aeronautical spectrum.


Interactive lecture, group discussions, guest speaker.


Week 2 / Friday

Week 2 Recap

Learning Outcomes 

Review key concepts, answer questions, and discuss potential challenges


Online quiz, Forum Discussion.


Week 3 / Monday

Aeronautical Spectrum in Radio Regulations

Learning Outcomes 

Understand the allocation and utilization of the spectrum for aeronautical services as outlined in the ITU Radio Regulations.


Interactive lecture, group exercises, case studies.


Week 3 / Wednesday

Propagation Models and Technical Planning

Learning Outcomes 

Explain the principles of radio wave propagation and their impact on aeronautical systems. Discuss spectrum planning methodologies


Interactive lecture, simulations, group projects.


Week 3 / Friday

Week 3 Recap

Learning Outcomes 

Review key concepts, answer questions, and discuss potential challenges.


Online quiz, Forum Discussion.


Week 4 / Monday

Spectrum Coordination and Harmful Interference

Learning Outcomes 

Understand the importance of spectrum coordination and the challenges posed by harmful interference


Interactive lecture, case studies, group discussions.


Week 4 / Wednesday

Emerging Technologies and Future Trends

Learning Outcomes 

Explore the impact of new technologies (e.g., drones, satellite communication) on the aeronautical spectrum.


Interactive lecture, panel discussions, guest speakers.


Week 4 / Friday

Course Wrap-up and end of course assignment submission


Complete the final project and submit it. Participate in a course wrap-up session.

End of course assignment submission 

Course feedback.

Registration information

Unless specified otherwise, all ITU Academy training courses are open to all interested professionals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. We strongly encourage registrations from female participants, and participants from developing countries. This includes least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

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