- Joseph Mungai
- Abel Mandlate
- Caleb Rori
- Jonathan Mwakijele
- Ghazi Mabrouk
- Anita Natwati

The course aim is to: - Clarify organizations responsible to set the standards and mechanisms established by national authorities to enforce mandatory standards. - Help self-monitoring of players in order to conform to set standards and those of the regulator. - Analyze the available penalties for contravening the set standards. - Ensure the participants differentiate the different roles undertaken by various players in the field. - Assess cases for licensing based on pre-established set of standards. The course will cover specifically ICT standards and interoperability within ICT systems.
- ICT/Telecom Regulators, Operators (Telecom/Broadcasters) and policy makers who are and who will be engaged in digital transformation efforts worldwide.
- Managers that are responsible for taking decisions on information systems acquisitions like (IT, switching, billing).
- Technicians involved in technical jobs (IT, switching, transmission).
- Staff from Finance, Economic and Legal departments.
- Basic understanding of information & communications technology concepts.
- Basic understanding of economics and legal framework governing ICT institutions (both National and International standards).
- Familiarity with organizational management principles.
- Prior experience or involvement in digital projects or initiatives is beneficial but not required.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the ICT standards and how they are formulated
- Clarify how national and international standards are set.
- Explain the elements involved in a telecommunication process in terms of structure and services.
- Discuss the role of regulations and the reason why all players are expected to conform.
- Examine ICT systems and their interoperability.
- Define key terms such as interconnection tariffs or interoperability between mobile wallets of different operators.
- Live lectures every week on Monday and Wednesday from 4pm to 6pm CEST (Geneva time)
- Online discussion through Zoom
- Mandatory (weekly) contributions to forum discussions for each Module’s topics
- Quiz after every completed module
- Use of Computer simulation connected to the real- world matters and visit a switching, commercial, IT departments of a telecom company to have good grasp of real-life applications of the subject matter.
- Quizzes 60%
- Discussion forum contributions 8%
- End of course assignment 32%
A total score higher than 70% is required to obtain the ITU certificate.
Week 1
- Introduction: ICTs and Standards - Include the ITU Conformance and Interaoperability Programme
- Communication elements: revision – definitions characteristics and examples.
- Information and Communications Technologies – ICTs
- Standards overview
Key learning points
- General overview of ICTs: Elements and technologies.
- Knowledge and global approach to standards
- Why do we set standards?
- Ability to formulate and set standards
- Ensure all players conform to set standards and ways of enforcing the same.
Training activities details
- Live lectures
- Forum Discussion 1
- Quiz 1
Week 2
- Introduction to standardization and role of standards
Key learning points
- Formulating and setting standards
- Meaning and conformity to set standards
- Standardization in relation to telecommunications
- Conformity to and compliance to standards
- Nonconformity to standards and punishment
- Who are stakeholders of setting the standards?
- Who ensures compliance/and or regulates the industry?
Training activities details
- Live lectures
- Forum Discussion 2
- Quiz 2
Week 3
- The law governing standards and the role of regulator.
- General introduction to systems: human body, machine, car, computer.
- Information systems: introduction.
Key learning points
- Standards and law
- Local and international laws governing standards
- National and or international body that deals with standardization
- Interrelationship between stakeholders
- Have a general overview of different systems
- Introduced to Information Systems
Training activities details
- Live lectures
- Forum Discussion 3
- Quiz 3
Week 4
- Information systems integration.
- Systems interoperability.
- Computer simulation or visit a local telecom to see it in reality.
- Trainees’ evaluation and trainer evaluation
Key learning points
- Concept of integration
- Concept of interoperability
- See how the matters were understood and how the delivery was.
Training activities details
- Live lectures
- Forum Discussion 4
- Quiz 4
- End of course assignment