About the Centres of Excellence (CoE) programme
The Centres of Excellence (CoE) programme was launched by ITU at the turn of the millennium, with the aim to support capacity development in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) by offering continuous education to ICT professionals and executives in the public and private spheres through face-to-face, online or blended learning.
The CoE initiative evolved over the years to become one of the ITU’s key training delivery mechanisms. With the support from multilateral and regional organizations, CoE networks have been established in a number of regions including Africa, the Americas, Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Europe. Under the umbrella of the ITU Academy, these regional networks were brought together into a single global network sharing expertise, resources and capacity-building know-how in telecommunications and ICT training/education.
In 2012, a new strategy was developed following a decision of the ITU membership through Resolution 73 of WTDC-10. Core elements of the strategy were the following:
- CoEs shall be selected for a defined period of time aligned to the planning cycles of the WTDCs.
- CoEs shall be selected on the basis of their excellence in defined priority areas.
- There is a need to maintain a manageable number of CoEs to ensure quality of the training and facilitate monitoring.
- CoEs need to operate on a self-sustainable basis.
The strategy went into operation in January 2015, based on the outcomes of WTDC-14. The first cycle of the new Centres of Excellence programme has been implemented over a period of four years (January 2015 to December 2018) and the second cycle over the next four years (January 2019 to December 2022).
CoE strategic review 2022
In line with the outcome WTDC-17, a major strategic review of the CoE programme after the termination of the current cycle (2018-2022) was carried out in 2021. The review proposes to substantially revise the programme and relaunch it in 2023 under the new brand “ITU Academy Training Centres (ATCs)”.
The report “ITU Centres of Excellence programme: strategic review and recommendations” is available below
CoE training courses
To see the training courses offered by the CoEs, click here.