By Topic
This course aims to equip professionals with in-depth knowledge and practical skills to manage emerging threats and vulnerabilities in digital infrastructures. The curriculum explores governance and covers policy development, ethical standards and regulatory frameworks in cybersecurity to ensure organizations’ compliance with the latest threats, risk assessment methodologies, and security best practices.
El curso se enfoca en brindar al participante los lineamientos necesarios para elaborar un Plan y Programa de Auditoría, que tanga como objetivo el robustecimiento de la ciberseguridad en la organización.
El proceso estructurado y ordenado de auditoría, permitirá que los identificar las vulnerabilidades tecnológicas que deben ser atendidas con prioridad para mantener un nivel adecuado de protección de la información crítica del negocio.
Cybersecurity exercises are a very effective way of learning the practical aspects of information security. But designing such exercises is not an easy task. This course provides a number of steps and guidelines that should be followed when designing a cyber exercise. The steps include defining the objectives, choosing an approach, designing network topology, creating a scenario, establishing a set of rules, choosing appropriate metrics and capturing lessons learned. This 3-day training course examines the key elements required to develop cyber disaster response simulation exercises.
The Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) approach is rapidly emerging as a pivotal trend in cybersecurity, particularly for the protection of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII). Unlike traditional security models relying on perimeter defense, ZTA operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify," ensuring that every access request is continuously authenticated and authorized.
Critical Information Infrastructure is defined as those assets systems and functions that are vital to the nations that their incapacity or destruction would have a devastating impact on the economy, government capability to function, public health and safety as well as on national defense and security. This training course focuses on protecting and strengthening the cyber resilience of critical information infrastructures. The course will also introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard critical information infrastructures.
The CSIRT/SOC Establishment and Modernisation course is training program specifically designed to help organisations to establish an effective CSIRT/SOC team. The course provides a detailed guidance on the CSIRT/SOC team mandate and covers all the key elements required for its successful establishment. Our experienced instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the course, drawing upon real-world cases to share the critical lessons learned.
National cyber crisis management course is the introductory two-day, scenario-based, purpose-built training designed to take attendees to the intermediate level. The course will include both theoretical and practical components that cover a wide range of topics related to national cyber crisis management. Students will explore the main concepts of cyber crisis management, understand the key roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders involved in national cybersecurity crisis management, including the role CSIRTs.
This course focuses on Security and Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet network from technology, regulation and business aspects. It covers Internet fundamentals, including Internet protocols and architectures, Internet security standards and approaches as defined by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), as well as ITU's security architectures for end-to-end communications. Further, the course incorporates cybersecurity approaches from the ITU viewpoint, and security aspects of emerging cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT).
The implementation of the UN cyber norms requires adjusting or establishing policies, procedures, regulations or capabilities or ado pting other measures which support state and national adherence to the projected conditions of the recommendations for norms. By improving national cybersecurity, countries will be better able and willing to work with other countries to improve cybersecurity regional and globally.
This comprehensive training program is tailored to provide attendees with practical analyst skills in Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) using MISP - one of the most widely used Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) platform in the field. MISP is a powerful open-source threat intelligence platform organizations can use to store, share and receive information about malware, threats, and vulnerabilities in a structured way.