Why should your organisation participate in the ATC programme?
- Work together with the United Nations specialized agency for ICTs and demonstrate your commitment to high-quality digital capacity development for all and the achievement of the SDGs,
- Expand your outreach to ICT professionals, particularly in developing countries,
- Enhance your own expertise and visibility.
ATCs benefit from ITU's established e-learning platform, supported by a dedicated pedagogical, technical, logistics and customer support team. They have access to ITU's global network of ICT ministries, regulatory authorities, businesses, and international agencies across the world. Finally, ATCs, will be able to engage with ITU experts and partners, as well as various networking opportunities.
For more information on the programme and its benefits, download the presentation below:
How to join the programme
Institutions wishing to be considered for the ATC programme can reach out to ituacademy[at]itu.int
Operational guidelines
More information on the operational modalities of the programme is included in the draft document “Operational Guidelines, November 2022”.
Participation criteria
Selection of participating institution is based on several criteria, as captured below.
Commitment to programme development and working with the ITU and other Centres
- Ability and willingness to work in partnership with ITU, focusing on ITU priority themes within the framework of the ITU Academy
- Ability to deliver to a global audience, including developing countries
- Proposed approach to the delivery of training courses under the ATC programme
- Robust and sustainable business model(s) for the delivery of ATC activities
- Proposed approach to marketing courses and attracting students
- Financial and human resources required to manage and implement ATC activities, including the collection of course fees where these are to be charged
Institutional quality and capacity
- Expertise and proven performance in the delivery of training courses concerned with telecommunications/ICTs to the target audience addressed by the ATC programme
- Experience in delivering training to international participants from diverse countries, including developing countries
- Expertise and capabilities to deliver a high standard of training, in one or more official UN languages
- Expertise and capabilities to deliver training over an online platform
- Quality of training materials
- Quality of instructors, including the ability to hire and work with international experts
- Quality of teaching methods
Expertise in priority areas
- Familiarity with and expertise in delivering training in the priority themes and sub-themes for which they are selected
- International recognition for work in the selected priority themes and sub-themes
- Availability of online training materials in the selected priority themes and sub-themes and/or the capacity to develop these to a high standard prior to course delivery
- Availability of trained instructors with expertise in the selected priority themes and sub-themes