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Group on capacity building initiatives

The World Telecommunication Development Conference (Kigali, 2022),


a)                the principles relating to capacity building in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Geneva Declaration of Principles, in §§ 29 and 34 thereof;

b)                the provisions of § 11 in the WSIS Geneva Plan of Action;

c)                the provisions of §§ 14 and 32 of the WSIS Tunis Commitment;

d)                the provisions of §§ 22, 23a), 26g), 51 and 90c), d), k) and n) of the WSIS Tunis Agenda for the Information Society;

e)                that ITU is one of the moderators/facilitators identified under Action Line C4 in the Annex to the Tunis Agenda, alongside the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;

f)                 Resolution 73 (Rev. Kigali, 2022) of this conference, on ITU Academy training centres (ATCs);

g)                United Nations General Assembly Resolution 70/125, on the outcome document of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the overall review of the implementation of the WSIS outcomes,


a)                that human resources are still the most vital asset of any organization, and that technical, development and management skills continuously need to be reviewed;

b)                that critical to the development of human and institutional capacity is the continuation of ongoing training and exchange of ideas with other experienced technical, regulatory and development professionals and institutions;

c)                that the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) continues to play a pivotal role in the development of such skills through its numerous activities, including its capacity-development and digital inclusion programme, and its activities in the field;

d)                that the major capacity-building initiatives undertaken by BDT, including the ITU Academy, global and regional human capacity-development forums, and the centres of excellence and digital transformation centres (DTCs), have greatly contributed to addressing these issues, and that their aims are in line with the outputs of WSIS, in cooperation with all programmes, and with the two ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU‑D) study groups, each according to their respective field of competence;

e)                that it is necessary for BDT to systematize its capacity and skills-development activities, treating them in a holistic, coordinated, integrated and transparent manner to meet the overall strategic objectives of ITU‑D and make the most efficient use of resources;

f)                 that it is necessary for BDT to consult regularly with members on their capacity- and skills-development priorities and to implement activities accordingly;

g)                that it is necessary for BDT to report to the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) on the initiatives and activities undertaken and results achieved, in order to allow members to be fully informed of difficulties encountered and progress made, and to guide BDT in its activities in this field,

taking into account

a)                the success, and demonstrated value in terms of providing practical skills and hands-on learning, of forums such as regional seminars and the World Radiocommunication Seminar;

b)                the large number and diversity of organizations and individuals who participate in and with BDT, whose value as educational resources should be recognized;

c)                the capacity- and skills-development initiatives, needs and priorities identified by regions,

resolves to instruct the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

1                 to maintain the Group on capacity-building initiatives (GCBI), composed of competent capacity-development experts familiar with the needs of their regions, to enhance the ability of ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates, Academia, experienced and expert professionals and organizations with relevant expertise to assist ITU‑D, and to contribute to the successful implementation of its capacity- and skills-development activities in an integrated manner in cooperation with the two ITU-D study groups and in accordance with adopted Kigali Action Plan priorities and regional initiatives , each according to its respective field of competence;

2                 that GCBI shall include two capacity-building experts representing each of the six regions, that participation shall also be open to all interested Member States, Sector Members and regional telecommunication organizations, and that the group shall work with BDT staff electronically or, where appropriate, face-to-face, in order to:

i)                 assist in identifying global trends in the domain of telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) capacity and skills development;

ii)                assist in identifying regional needs and priorities for capacity- and skills-development activities, considering, above all, the regional initiatives and the topics addressed by the study groups, evaluate the progress of related BDT activities, and make proposals to eliminate any overlap in activities and harmonize ongoing initiatives, etc.;

iii)               coordinate, as appropriate, with organizations and professionals that have expertise in human skills development and building capacity in areas of identified need, leveraging their expertise by either directing members to those experts or facilitating their involvement in ITU capacity-building activities;

iv)               assist BDT in the continuous implementation of an integrated framework for ITU Academy activities;

v)                provide advice on the development of formal telecommunication/ICT curricula design and content for both general digital literacy and specialized skills;



vi)               provide advice on accreditation and certification based on regional and/or international standards;

vii)              provide advice on initiatives, academic alliances and partnerships that further the overall strategic objectives of the ITU Academy, including integration with, inter alia, ATCs, DTCs and ITU regional offices;

viii)             provide advice on standards for quality assurance and monitoring of courses delivered through the ITU Academy and its partners, including those delivered through the ATCs, DTCs and/or academic institutions;

ix)               assist in submitting an interim annual report to be presented and discussed during the TDAG meeting, including achievements and proposed recommendations that may need to be taken to fulfil the respective programme;

x)                act as regional representatives in the related forums organized by BDT;

3                 provide the necessary support for GCBI to carry out its work effectively;

4                 take due account of any recommendations of GCBI.


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