The SMTP comprises a set of high-level training materials in all areas of spectrum management, which were developed by experts drawn from within and outside ITU. In 2018, SMTP received international accreditation from the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA).
It offers a modularized approach covering theoretical and practical aspects of spectrum management from basic to advanced levels. Learners can register on our platform for the individual training courses, depending on their area of interest and job role requirements. ITU Academy certificates will be issued upon successful completion of the training course requirements.
- SMTP - Legal basis and regulatory framework of spectrum management
- SMTP - Spectrum engineering fundamentals
- SMTP - Wireless telecommunications technologies
- SMTP - Spectrum monitoring
- SMTP - Enforcement and type approval of equipment
- SMTP - Spectrum management for satellite systems
- SMTP - Spectrum management for HF systems, science, maritime and amateur services
- SMTP - Spectrum management for aeronautical and radio determination services and military systems
- SMTP - Computer-aided spectrum management
- SMTP - Economic and market tools of spectrum management
- SMTP - Strategic planning and policies for wireless innovation
- SMTP - Advanced spectrum authorization regimes (legal specialization)
- SMTP - Socio-economic impact of spectrum regulation; competition and consumer protection (legal specialization)
- SMTP - Terrestrial TV broadcasting planning and digital transition (technical specialization)
- SMTP - Opportunistic spectrum access and cognitive radio (technical specialization)
- SMTP - Electro magnetic fields and health (technical specialization)
Target Audience
The SMTP is designed for Member States and Sector Members of ITU. In particular, it serves the capacity development needs of operators, regulators and policy makers. It is a resource pool for academic institutions and the ITU Academy Training Centers (ATCs) network. Beyond these target groups, the SMTP is available to anyone who would like to enhance and broaden their professional knowledge while working in the field of spectrum management. Learners registering for the SMTP modules may be from different levels in an organisation, from technical to managerial, and from different backgrounds (engineering, legal, economics, etc.).
Call for partners
ITU invites all stakeholders, especially training and academic institutions to partner with us.
Partnerships can be established in the form of a licencing agreement which allows for the SMTP content delivery according to the format best suited for the partner’s target audience (standalone modules or full programme). Additionally, any partners interested in the review and update of the content for the SMTP modules are welcome to contact the Capacity and Digital Skills Development Division at
Funding partners:

Content development partners: