Specialist in Regulation of Public Telecommunications Services, ANATEL, Brazil

Ms Andrea Mamprim Grippa

Andrea Mamprim Grippa is a native of Maringá - Paraná (Brazil), graduated in International Relations from University of Brasilia (UNB), with a postgraduate degree in Telecommunications Management from ESAD/UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). She has been working at the International Bureau of Anatel since 2001, having previously worked at TELEBRÁS (former state telecommunications operator), at Telemig/Tele Norte Celular Participações (mobile operator) and at the ITU Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. She holds the position of Specialist in Regulation of Public Telecommunications Services and is currently responsible for the Special Coordination for Development and Technical Cooperation, with focus on cooperation activities at the bilateral and multilateral levels, especially with Latin American and Portuguese speaking countries. She coordinates the performance of Anatel in both REGULATEL and ARCTEL-CPLP (Regional Telecommunications Associations). She is also the Coordinator of CBC-4 (Brazilian Communication Commission 4), which is responsible for coordinating the Brazilian activities and performance within the ITU Development Sector (ITU-D), and the issues related to the development of telecommunications at international conferences and other organizations.

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