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Mohamadou Arabani Saibou

CEO and founder of SMA Consulting Group, West-Africa

Mohamadou Arabani Saibou is the CEO and founder of SMA Consulting Group, a specialized consulting firm in telecommunication, ICT policy and regulation. He is an expert in telecommunications and ICT and has been a consultant for several international organizations such as ITU, IDRC, and the European Union Commission on ICT related subjects (regulation, ICT indicators, business planning, interconnection, universal access, licensing, and numbering). He has been involved in several projects which have been supported by both the African Union and the European Union Commission.

Mohamadou Arabani Saibou commenced his career as PTO of Niger as head of Marketing and Sales. He joined ESMT (Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications) as a trainer and consultant to coordinate the ITU/BDT Business Management Program in 1994. Within the Economy and Management department, he was responsible for the courses and workshops on regulation, interconnection, costing, pricing, marketing and business management. Following his first promotion as department manager in 2005, he served as the CEO & Managing Director from 2007 till 2018.

He has gained a tremendous practical experience in supervising economic, financial and management studies related to ICT sector as faculty and trainer in ESMT. He is in touch with African policy makers, regulators and operators. Mohamadou Arabani Saibou holds a Masters degree in Telecommunications Management and has obtained degrees in Telecommunication/ICT Policy and Regulation; and Telecommunication’s Economics and Management.

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