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Dr Mustapha Benjillali

Full Professor, INPT, Rabat, Morocco

Dr Mustapha Benjillali is a mobile communications Engineer, and holds a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications from INRS, Canada. He is an international capacity development consultant, Professor, researcher, and trainer in the fields of communication technologies, intelligent connectivity, artificial intelligence applications in communications, and Internet of things (IoT); along with their applications in sustainable environments, and sustainable development. He is also interested in innovation, regulatory and policy aspects, and ethical issues in relation with these eco-systems. Dr Benjillali is an IEEE Senior Member, his research work is focused on the design and performance of beyond-5G and future 6G networks, published in 100+ research papers in first-tier scientific journals and conferences, and received many awards and recognitions. He delivered many research projects, strategic analyses, trainings, and keynotes in his areas of expertise, and is regularly advising executives and managers on emerging digital technologies and innovation, in different regions of the globe.

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