Institutions wishing to become an ITU DTC should meet the criteria listed below:
Institutional mandate
- DTCs should be national institutions with a mandate to develop digital capacities in marginalized communities across the country
Infrastructure requirements
The applying institution should have a network of centres and facilities at the local level through which training can be conducted. It should also have the ability to establish networks or partnerships with centres at community level that could be used to deliver digital skills training at basic and intermediate level.
Each local/community centre should have:
- Physical infrastructure to deliver training, including classrooms with a sizeable capacity (minimum 30 students at a time)
- Equipment facilities such as computers and desks
- Internet connection with a minimum speed of 1.5 Mbps
- Electricity, as well as off-grid backup power supply.
Resource requirements
- Financial resources that are allocated to the delivery of training at basic and intermediate level
- Ability to mobilize financial resources to scale the DTC activities
- Qualified instructors to conduct training under the DTC framework.
- Proven experience in delivering digital skills training at basic and intermediate level over the years
- Proven experience in providing training to marginalized communities on a national scale.
Please note that all applying institutions are required to submit a support letter duly signed and stamped by the relevant Government authority before closure of the applications. A draft of the letter to be signed by the Government authority can be downloaded at the end of the application form.
In addition, the head of the applying institution is requested to send by email a signed letter of validation of the application. A draft of that letter can also be downloaded at the end of the application form.
Institutions that meet the above requirements and wish to be considered as DTCs are kindly ask to contact ITU Capacity and Digital Skills Development Division at dtc@itu.int.