Three manuals have been developed to guide users of the ITU Academy Platform, to help them understand the platform and its functionalities, their access rights, as well as their roles and responsibilities.

The ITU Academy User Manual is the comprehensive manual addressed to all ITU Academy users. It comprises a section on User Rights, followed by three sections that focus on different users: Coordinator Manual, Instructor Manual, and Participant and Guest Manual.

The User Guide for Instructors, Participants and Guests is extracted from the main manual and is targeted to instructors, participants and guests. This document is meant to be shared with the Centres of Excellence, particularly for the use of the course instructors as it provides important information regarding the management of training materials and course evaluation.

The ITU Academy Participants and Guests Manual is also extracted from the main manual and is targeted to the primary users of the portal. This document provides information on the creation of an account, registration and access to a course, and use of the different ITU Academy Platform features, including the “Training Catalogue” and “My Courses”.

You may download the three manuals here.

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